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Department Highlights | Mathematics & Music

Believing that mathematics is a unique expression of God's wisdom and an essential tool for understanding the logic and orderliness of His creation, the Department of Mathematics seeks to equip all Covenant students with the quantitative skills to think logically about numerical problems. The department also serves students in scientific fields by providing them the solid foundation of mathematical concepts needed to pursue their God-given callings in scientific disciplines. Finally, the department prepares mathematics majors to use their numerical talents in the service of God's kingdom by providing a rigorous introduction to the content of the various subfields of mathematics, and encouraging them to consider how a biblical worldview impacts their study and application of mathematical tools.
We hope all Covenant students come away with an appreciation of the value of mathematics and the ability to accurately handle the quantitative information we encounter in everyday modern life. For our math majors, we hope to instill an appreciation of the breadth and variety of the branches of mathematical study and a basic understanding of each of them, and strive to foster logical and creative approaches to problem-solving.
Recent Updates
Dr. Sarah Donaldson ’98 recently moved from the education department to the math department.
We added a new required course titled “Philosophical & Faith Perspectives on Mathematics.” This course examines what the discipline of mathematics is truly about, how we come to understand mathematical concepts, why math is important, and the relationship between math and the Christian faith.
Dr. Chris Cyr is chairman for the department.
Dr. Sarah Donaldson ’98 specializes in teaching many of the introductory courses, such as college algebra, precalculus, and finite mathematics.
Covenant's Department of Music seeks to support the mission of the college in four ways:
Equip versatile musicians and scholars to cultivate a distinctly Christian understanding of music and to respond to their vocational and avocational callings in music, with a special emphasis on service to the Church and a diversity of communities.
Contribute to the liberal arts education of all students through exposure to a broad spectrum of music from different times and places, thereby encouraging the appreciation for a variety of musical styles and the capacity for critical thought about music that are necessary to engage musical cultures.
Serve the Church and the community by participation in the worship of congregations near and distant, and by presentation of outstanding concerts and recitals that draw a variety of people to our campus on a regular basis and intentionally cross cultural barriers.
Engage in the ongoing international conversation of music through the established routines of public concerts, recitals, clinics, master classes, festivals, tours, collaborative concerts with sister institutions, publishing, and even occasional arenas of competition.
The traditional Madrigals Christmas event is now the annual Christmas Concert.
Dr. Brandon Krueze (Northwestern University) is the chair of the music department, and a proud member of the College Music Society, the Christian Fellowship of Art Music Composers, the American Society of Composers, and the Southeastern Composers League.
Dr. Scott M. Finch ’96 (University of Arizona) is a professor of music. He has an expertise in choral conducting and has steadily encouraged attendance of Covenant’s choral concerts and interest in membership. He has also developed a new elective course entitled “Shepherding Souls through Music.”
Prof. Lok Kim (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) is a member of the Conductors Guild and the Korean Conductor’s Association. He specializes in conducting opera and choral.
Prof. David Tahere (Temple University) is a member of the College Music Society and the National Association of Teachers of Singing. He has a special interest in 20th century/ romantic composers and the discourse of composing music and human nature.
Applied Instructors: Heidi Barker ’11, Beth DuRoy, Christine Hassevoort, Joshua Holritz, Stephen Humphries, Gordon James, Kara Riley, Alan Shikoh, Suzanne Sims, Alex Singleton, Cynthia Solfest-Wallis, Jay Stanfill, Roy Treiyer, James Ward ’72, Michael Whinery