The Blue
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294 New Scots Join Our Community

This August, nearly 300 new Scots - the second largest class in recent years - began their time at Covenant. We’re thankful for the alumni who referred prospective Scots, the work of our admissions and marketing teams, and, most of all, for the Lord’s faithfulness in guiding the right students to Covenant.
So what made these students choose Covenant, even while ripples from COVID-19 affected college admissions across the country? While we could talk about the substantial efforts of our admissions office, collaboration between marketing and admissions, digital marketing innovations, or updated print collateral, one fact stands out from the rest: Students want what Covenant College offers.
Many schools, both public and private, have drifted away from their original educational mandates, but Covenant builds upon its academic purpose while unflinchingly maintaining its core, Christ-centered mission. As stated by our founding president Dr. Robert Rayburn, “Our academic standards must be second to none," and this is still true today. Dr. J. Derek Halvorson ’93, our current president, says, "We remain committed to high academic standards without compromising our dedication to the authority of the inerrant Word of God." This dual commitment is exactly what many young Christians are seeking as they consider higher education.
As we reach new audiences through increased marketing efforts - those who may not be familiar with Covenant or even the PCA - we’ve found that students are searching for a biblically grounded, academically excellent, relationally rich learning experience. Even some who may not have considered Covenant before are now giving us a look.
While we’ve worked hard to recruit students who will thrive at Covenant, it is ultimately up to God to bless Covenant’s efforts. Even knowing all of our behind-the-scenes efforts, the results are astonishing and encouraging. John Horton, director of marketing & communications, says, “When we can’t fully explain the success ourselves, when we look around in amazement at what’s been accomplished, that’s what it looks like when God shows up.”
The college’s faculty and staff enjoy watching students grow and learn on this campus, but the students are equally enthusiastic to be here. Lauren Carr ’25 saw the uniqueness of the Covenant community and wanted to be a part of it. “I’m most excited about all the people at Covenant and the community. Everyone I’ve met so far is so nice. I’m playing tennis, and I’m excited to get to know the girls on the team.”
Zack Mabry ’25 notes that the academics and strong theological foundation drew him to Covenant. “I’m most looking forward to professors and classes. I’m majoring in philosophy and biblical and theological studies, and the opportunity to study philosophy from a biblical perspective under Dr. Davis and Dr. Wingard is incredible.”
This semester, the second largest class of Scots in recent years will form friendships, meet professors, grow in their walk with Christ, and begin their Covenant journey. Join with us in celebrating them!