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Study Secrets From Upperclassmen

Learn from the best! Our upperclassmen delight in sharing their knowledge with new students. Seniors, juniors, sophomores, freshmen - all Covenant students walk through college together, and upperclassmen are happy to encourage younger classmates and friends. Hear some of our upperclassmen’s best study tips and tricks!

Jon Hill ’22 - Business Major

  1. Group study! It’s something I wish I’d done more often and something we can easily do on a residential campus, with study rooms in the library, hall commons, or just empty classrooms across campus. Talking through concepts with friends really helps me.
  2. Get in the right headspace before a test by following a routine. For me, that’s having a proper breakfast, spending time in prayer, and listening to the song I always play before big stress events (“Relentless” by Hillsong United). When paired with studying, reorienting yourself with eternal perspective really aids with the burden of test-taking.

Hannah Rodehaver ’22 - Biology Major

  1. I like to type up my own study guides and make flashcards. I am a very tactile learner, so writing things down multiple times drills it into my head. Then, quizzing myself with flashcards helps me see if I really know the material by heart and not just by sight.
  2. Figuring out how I learn best has been the biggest help for me. Lots of my friends do well by talking through material out loud. That doesn’t work best for me, so learning to say no to studying with those friends was hard but helped me in the long run.

Ashley Biegel ’22 - Education Major

  1. One of the things that has been most helpful to me is blocking off specific times of the day to dedicate to specific classes I need to focus on.
  2. I also suggest studying in different places (even away from your friends). It can get tedious studying in the same place over and over again, so change it up sometimes.
  3. Finding friends in the same class can be helpful, too, so that y'all can ask questions and figure things out together.
  4. My last piece of advice is to ask professors questions when you are confused or need clarity, ideally in person before or after class or through email. They are always willing to help and are very kind.

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