Intercultural Program Student Leaders
The role of a student intercultural leader is to create a welcoming campus environment which provides spiritual, emotional, and practical assistance for students in a cultural and/or ethnic/racial minority at Covenant. Intercultural leaders also help provide opportunities for all Covenant students to learn about and celebrate various cultures, ethnicities, races, and experiential differences. Finally, intercultural leaders provide opportunities to learn about global and domestic events and issues which are relevant to understanding issues of culture and ethnicity/race.

Kate DuRoy
Class of 2025 | Philosophy | United States
Hola a todos! My name is Kate DuRoy and I am thrilled to serve in the IP program. The community I have experienced here is so dear to me and I deeply appreciate how willing students are to share their stories and make new memories together! In my spare time I love making music, studying Spanish here at Covenant, getting outdoors, and enjoying the company of my friends and family. I hope that together we will encourage kindness, laughter, good conversations, and celebration of our differences.

Meka Hamner
Class of 2026 | Business Accounting Concentration | United States
Hi! My name is Meka Hamner, and I am excited to have the opportunity to serve as an Intercultural Program Leader. I am excited to get to know new groups of people on campus and be a part of building a diverse but unified community. I enjoy hanging out with friends, reading a book, creative writing, playing the piano, music, watching TV, and learning about American Sign Language. I pray that the Intercultural Program will help bridge divides between cultures and different people's backgrounds so that we can love each other well and not be intimidated by differences.

David Hopkins
Class of 2026 | Computer Science and Economics | Indonesia
Salam kenal! I'm David (or you can call me Vid) from Indonesia and I am very delighted to serve as an IP Leader. I am very much looking forward to doing great things with the Intercultural Program. It is my uttermost desire to use the latest 21st century skills and technology to introduce different and unique cultures, seeing it unite people so that Christ's preeminence can be found in all things. My hobbies include travelling around the world, airplanes (yes, I'm an avgeek!), swimming, playing badminton, chess, and keeping up to the latest technology. I would love to know you more and feel free to reach out to me!

John Miglarese
Class of 2026 | Community Development | US
Hello there! I'm John Miglarese, one of the new additions to this year's Intercultural Program leadership team. I have loved Covenant's intercultural community since my first semester here, and I am so excited to work with the rest of the team to help it continue to grow and thrive! When not working in the IP office or studying, I enjoy volunteer firefighting, playing music, adventuring in the outdoors and climbing the exceptional assortment of trees here on campus. I love meeting new people, sharing good food, and having fun together, and I can't wait to celebrate the beauty of our many different stories and backgrounds united in one body under Christ!

Sarah Newell
Class of 2026 | Biblical and Theological Studies | United States
Sain baina uu! My name is Sarah Newell and I'm so excited to serve our community through the IP program this year! Though I may not be from another country, the Father has placed such great love in my heart for His people all over the world, especially in Mongolia! I'm so excited to celebrate all the cultures represented at Covenant. When not talking about the beauty of God's people, I love laughing with my friends, baking, dancing in the rain, wistfully thinking about bigger mountains, and watching The Muppet Show.

Bridget Peck
Class of 2027 | Art | Tanzania and the United States
Habari marafiki zangu!! My name is Bridget Peck and I can't wait to serve in the Intercultural Program! The IP has been so crucial in how I've fostered community at Covenant, and I'm excited to be a part of that for other people. I love anything to do with people- whether that's being outside, making art, eating food, or just spending time together! I hope we push each other to better relationships through loving the people around us well and being curious and open and excited about one another.

Mila Pires
Class of 2026 | English | Portugal
Hey! My name is Mila, and I am so excited to be part of the Intercultural Program next year. I look forward to learning more about the Covenant community, developing connections between different cultures, and having fun cultural experiences. I love reading and writing, baking, and having deep conversations (I consider that a hobby). I am incredibly grateful for this opportunity to serve Covenant, and I hope I'll be able to both give to and receive from the lovely diverse Covenant community! :)
Graduate School of Education
Undergraduate Departments, Majors, Minors, Certificates, Concentrations, and Programs
Academic Certificates
- Arts Administration
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability
- Journalism and Society
- Medical Ethics Consultation
- Neuroscience
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
- Art, 2-D Concentration
- Art, 3-D Concentration
- Art, Art History Concentration
- Art, Graphic Design Concentration
- Art, Photography Concentration
- Art minor
- Art History minor
Biblical & Theological Studies
- Biblical & Theological Studies
- Biblical & Theological Studies, Missions Concentration
- Biblical & Theological Studies minor
- Biblical Languages minor
- History of Christianity minor
- Missions minor
- Youth Ministry minor
- Biology, Biomedical Concentration
- Biology, Environmental Concentration
- Biology, General
- Biology, Health Professions Concentration
- Biology minor
- Business
- Business, Accounting Concentration
- Business, Finance Concentration
- Business, Marketing Concentration
- Sport Management
- Business minor
- Sport Management minor
- Chemistry, Biochemistry Concentration
- Chemistry, General
- Biochemistry minor
- Chemistry minor
Community Development
- Community Development
- Community Development minor
Computer Science
- Computer Science
- Computer Science minor
- Economics
- Economics minor
- Education Studies
- Elementary Education (P-5)
- Secondary Education Certifications through MAT program
- Education minor
Engineering 3:2 Program
- Natural Science, Pre-Engineering Studies Concentration
- English
- English, Writing Concentration
- English minor
- Writing minor
Health, Wellness and Coaching
- Coaching minor
History, Politics, and International Studies
- History
- History, Art History Concentration
- Political Science
- International Studies
- History minor
- Political Science minor
Interdisciplinary Studies
- Interdisciplinary Studies with Concentrations
- Mathematics
- Mathematics minor
- Music, Church Music Concentration
- Music, Creative Studies Concentration
- Music, General Music Concentration
- Music, Instrumental Performance Concentration
- Music, Music Education (Pre-MAT) Concentration
- Music, Organ Performance Concentration
- Music, Piano Pedagogy Concentration
- Music, Piano Performance Concentration
- Music, Vocal Performance Concentration
- Music minor
- Philosophy
- Philosophy minor
- Physics
- Physics minor
Pre-Professional Programs
- Pre-Law Studies
- Pre-Medical Studies
- Pre-Nursing Studies
- Pre-Physical Therapy Studies
- Psychology
- Psychology minor
- Sociology
- Sociology, Family Studies & Social Work Concentration
- Sociology minor
- Theatre minor
World Languages
- French
- Spanish
- French minor
- Spanish minor